Urschel HA

Description de l'offre

The Urschel Model H-A uniformly slices, strip cuts, and dices a variety of products including peaches, pears, potatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and carrots. The machine features continuous operation for uninterrupted production, and is designed for easy cleanup and maintenance. Maximum infeed product entering the Model H-A should not exceed 5-1/2" (140 mm) in any dimension.

OPERATING PRINCIPLE Product delivered to the feed hopper continues into a rotating impeller. Centrifugal force holds the product against the inside of the slice case as the impeller paddles carry the product past the slicing knife . An adjustable case gate at the top of the case allows the product to move outward across the edge of the slicing knife. The distance between the end of the case gate and the slicing knife edge determines the slice thickness. As the slices emerge, crosscut knives move downward producing strips. Strips move without interruption across the top surface of the slicing knife holder into the circular knives where they are cut into cubes or other three-dimensional cuts of a selected size.

Format installed:30x30x30 mm

This equipment is located in ES

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Informations de l'offre

Fabricant Urschel
Modèle HA
Année -
Pays Espagne Espagne
Condition Bonne
Catégorie Packaging, process et agro
Sous-catégorie Coupeuse / meuleuse / refendeuse
ID P402090417

A propos du vendeur

Type de client Marchand
Sur Kitmondo depuis 2024
Nombre d'offres 49
Pays Espagne Espagne
Employés 11 - 50
Fondée en 2003
Description de l'entreprise

We are a one-stop-solution that specializes in the buying and selling of new and used food industry machinery.
With an extensive experience of supplying highly-acclaimed food processing equipme… voir plus

We are a one-stop-solution that specializes in the buying and selling of new and used food industry machinery.
With an extensive experience of supplying highly-acclaimed food processing equipment, we know what is best to meet your specific needs. We have 70.000 m2 of machinery, the largest stock of machinery in Spain.

Dernière acitivité fév. 22, 2024
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