Subasta en línea - Liquid Chromatographs, Centrifuges, Microscopes and More

Subastador GoIndustry DoveBid
Fecha de cierre Dic. 7, 2016
Ubicación Italia Italia
Categoría Laboratorio, Medicina y Biociencia
ID LAB0181a
Estado Cerrado

This online auction from GoIndustry DoveBid is a sale of surplus laboratory equipment located in Santa Maria, Italy.

Equipment of interest in this auction includes:

- Shimadzu Liquid Chromatograph
- Waters HPLC Pump
- Narishige Microforge Microscope
- ALC Centrifuge
- Gilbertini Lab Balances
- And More

To find out further details, view more photos and bid, visit the auctioneer's website.

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