Subasta en línea - 400+ Lot Lab and Biopharma Equipment Auction

Subastador GoIndustry DoveBid
Fecha de cierre Mar. 9, 2017
Ubicación UK UK
Categoría Laboratorio, Medicina y Biociencia
ID LAB0193
Estado Cerrado

From GoIndustry DoveBid, this large sale of laboratory and biopharma equipment will close on March 9th. All the assets for sale are located in the UK.

The auction will feature the following items:

- Mass Spectrometer: Applied Biosystems ' API 4000'
- Detector: Waters Micromass 'MUX-UV 2488 '
- Chemistry Analyzer: Roche 'P800' Qty 2
- High Throughput Evaporator: GeneVac 'HT-24 Series II'
- Separations Module: Waters '2795'
- LCMS System: Waters 'Micromass ZQ'
- Refrigerated Centrifuge: Sorvall 'Evolution RC'

For more information about this sale, including any inspection availability, view the auction details.

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