Subasta en línea - Metalworking Machinery Auction: Assets from Multiple Companies

Subastador IAG
Fecha de cierre Jun. 16, 2016
Ubicación España España
Categoría Maquinaria metalúrgica
ID MET0082
Estado Cerrado

This online auction is a selection of metalworking equipment, 3rd in a series of multi-sector auctions from IAG.

Equipment of interest in this sale includes:

- 5 ONA EDM Machines
- 1 MEBUSA PH 65/30 3000x65 Ton Press Brake
- 1 GUIFIL MINI325 Shear
- 3 PRIMA E250
- 1 HYUNDAY SKT 28LM Lathe
- And More

Contact IAG for further details, including an inspection availability.

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