Subasta en línea - CNC Gear Manufacturing, Turning, Grinding & Balancing Equipment

Subastador GoIndustry DoveBid
Fecha de cierre Mar. 16, 2017
Ubicación USA USA
Categoría Maquinaria metalúrgica
ID MET0114
Estado Cerrado

This online auction from GoIndustry DoveBid is a sale of CNC Gear Manufacturing, Turning, Grinding and Balancing Equipment.

Specific items of interest include:

- Hofmann HXV-300.1D Balancer
- Liebherr Grinder LCS 482 SN 1300
- Warner Swasey 3SC Turning Center
- Schaudt Horizontal Gear Tooth Grinder
- 1999 Liebherr Gear Hobber
- Fellows FS-400-125 Hydrostroke Gear Shaper
- And More

For more information on these items, view more photos, and place a bid, visit the GoIndustry DoveBid auction page.

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