Subasta en línea - Auction of Entire Assets from Contract PCB Manufacturer

Subastador Tiger Group
Fecha de cierre Ago. 2, 2016
Ubicación USA USA
Categoría PCB y Semiconductores
ID PCB0087
Estado Cerrado

This online-only auction from the Tiger Asset Group is a sale of the entire assets of a 70,000 sq. ft. PCB manufacturing facility.

Specific items of interest in this sale include:

- Numerous Universal Instruments Pick and Place Robots
- Heller Reflow Ovens
- MPM and DEK Screen Printers
- Conveyors
- Stencil and Board Washers
- Wave Solderers
- Insertion Machines
- QC Equipment
- And Much More

An inspection of this equipment is available on August 1st, contact the Tiger Asset Group for more information.

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