Subasta en línea - 2000+ Lot Auction: Refrigerator Manufacturer Facility Closure

Subastador The Branford Group
Fecha de cierre Dic. 1, 2016
Ubicación USA USA
Categoría Plantas Completas
ID PLA0032
Estado Cerrado

This online auction, hosted by The Branford Group, is a sale of plastics, metalworking and facility support and maintenance. The equipment is available due to the closure of 1,000,000 Sq. Ft. facility closure.

With over 2,000 on sale, some featured equipment includes:

- Cincinnati Milacron Injection Moulding Machines
- Davis-Standard Co-Extrusion Sheet Lines
- Plastics Processing Equipment
- Assembly and Finishing Lines
- Tishken Roll Formers
- Stamping Presses
- Metrology / Quality Assurance Equipment
- Maintenance and Tool Room Assets
- Facility Support Equipment
- And Much More (2000+ Lots)

Potential buyers are able to inspect the equipment on November 28th and 29th. For further information on this and any inspection requirements visit the auction page.

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