Subasta en línea - Sealed Bid Sale of Mechanical Spares Plus MRO Parts

Subastador EquipNet
Fecha de cierre Dic. 15, 2015
Ubicación USA USA
Categoría Proceso y Envasado
ID PPM0135
Estado Cerrado

EquipNet are hosting a sealed bid sale of Mechanical Spares and Maintenance, Repair and Operations Parts, all of which surplus to the ongoing needs of a global business. This sale is also set to include some construction surplus.

Featured items in this sealed bid sale includes:

- Air Compressors
- Motors
- Pumps
- Boilers
- Heat Exchangers
- Wall Insulation
- Ceiling Tiles
- Feed Systems
- Lighting and Electrical Components
- And Much More

Sealed bids for this sale are due by December 15th, contact EquipNet for further clarification on the sale items and any further information needed.

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