Subasta en línea - Electronics Testing Equipment from HGST and Western Digital

Subastador GoIndustry DoveBid
Fecha de cierre Jun. 29, 2016
Ubicación USA USA
Categoría Prueba y Medida
ID TAM0050a
Estado Cerrado

This online auction, opening June 23, is being hosted by GoIndustry DoveBid and is set to feature assets surplus to the ongoing requirements of HGST and Western Digital.

Testing equipment of interest includes:

- Spectrum Analyzers
- Signal Generators
- Oscilloscopes
- Synthesizer/Function Generators
- Microscopes
- Optical Surface Analyzer
- And Much More

Inspection of any of the items in this sale is only available with a prior appointment.

This sale features equipment located in several different areas throughout California. Check the lot description to find out more.

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