Subasta en línea - 250+ Lots of Test and Measurement Equipment

Subastador GoIndustry DoveBid
Fecha de cierre Sept. 22, 2016
Ubicación Singapur Singapur
Categoría Prueba y Medida
ID TAM0053
Estado Cerrado

This online auction from GoIndustry DoveBid will be taking place between September 18th and 22nd. The equipment in this sale is based in Singapore.

Amongst the 250+ lots for sale are:

- HP Digital Multimeters
- HP Network Analyzers
- HP Signal Generators
- HP Precision LCR Meters
- HP Spectrum Analyzers
- Agilent Oscilloscopes
- And More

For further details on the sale, including inspection availability, please contact the auctioneer.

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