Subasta en línea - Over 300 Lots of Test and Measurement Equipment for Sale

Subastador GoIndustry DoveBid
Fecha de cierre Mar. 1, 2017
Ubicación Singapur Singapur
Categoría Prueba y Medida
ID TAM0073
Estado Cerrado

This online auction of over 300 lots of test and measurement equipment is a sale that is being conducted by GoIndustry DoveBid.

Highlights of the lot catalog include:

- Agilent ENA Series RF Network Analyzer
- Hewlett Packard 8360 Series Synthesized Sweeper
- Agilent 50W N Type Calibration Kit
- Agilent PNA Network Analyzer
- Hewlett Packard Microwave Network Analyzer
- And Much More

Viewing of the equipment is by appointment only, contact GoIndustry DoveBid for more information.

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