Subasta en línea - Digital Testing and Photonics Equipment for Sale

Subastador FabExchange
Fecha de cierre Mar. 30, 2017
Ubicación USA USA
Categoría Prueba y Medida
ID TAM0076
Estado Cerrado

This auction from FabExchange is a sale of digital testing and photonics equipment, surplus to the needs of SBA Labs.

Equipment to be included in this sale:

- Large Quantity of Agilent Electronics Test and Measurement Equipment
- Nikon, Wild and Olympus Microscopes
- Corning Fiber Optic Cable
- Edwards QDP 40 Pump
- Oriel 500 Watt UV Exposure System
- 100's of Items from Hewlett Packard and Tektronix
- Plus Lab Equipment

For further information on this sale and to register your interest, follow the view auction details link below.

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