Asta online - Plastic Production Lines for Sale from Refrigerator Manufacturer Whirlpool

Banditore GoIndustry DoveBid
Data di chiusura Feb. 18, 2016
Luogo Italia Italia
Categoria Plastica
ID PLA0026
Stato Chiuso

This sale from GoIndustry DoveBid features equipment from Whirlpool's refrigerator production lines. The sale is set to include a range of plastics processing equipment, plus other machinery.

Plastics equipment of interest in this sale:

- Union thermoplastic sheet co-extrusion lines
- Motan mixing/dosing and drying system
- QS Group thermoforming machine
- 3 x Comi-Rigo cabinet thermoforming machines
- 2 x Comi-Rigo door thermoforming machines
- QS Group Ecomix 20 P Premixer
- QS Group cabinet and door foaming fixture
- 2 x Thimon Coverpal SP 1250 + Hotpal hooding and shrink machines
- and more

Some equipment in this sale is available as a complete line.

Viewing of this equipment is only available with a prior appointment. The equipment in this sale is located at 2 different sites, see the lot information for full details.

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