Online veiling - Biotech Equipment: San Diego Warehouse Clearance Auction

Veilingmeester BioSurplus
Sluitingsdatum dec 17, 2015
Locatie USA USA
Categorie Lab, medische en biowetenschappen
ID BIO0001
Status Gesloten

BioSurplus are hosting a warehouse clearance auction from their San Diego base. This auction will feature over 500 lots of biotech equipment.

Equipment of interest in this warehouse clearance includes:

- Centrifuges
- Spectrometers
- UV-Vis
- Spectrophotometer
- Pipettes
- Incubators
- Shakers
- Microscopes
- Particle Sizers
- And More

Contact BioSurplus for any further information including bidding requirements and any availability for inspection.

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