Online veiling - Sealed Bid Liquidation of Cement Plant and Quarry

Veilingmeester Orbitbid
Sluitingsdatum dec 15, 2015
Locatie USA USA
Categorie Complete planten
ID CMP0051
Status Gesloten

Complete liquidation of quarry and large cement plant. Sale by sealed bid auction includes:

- Fuller Loesche vertical raw mill
- Steel structure for the Fuller Loesche Vertical raw mill
- Allis Chalmers 13x43 finish mill
- 13x43 Allis Chalmers shell

Lots are available to purchase individually or in groups.

Assets also available by online auction on Wednesday, December 16, including:

- Electric motors
- Conveyor systems
- Over-head crane systems
- Steel stock
- And much more

Inspection available on December 15th and 16th.

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