Online veiling - Metalworking Machine Tools from a Global Automotive Supplier

Veilingmeester GoIndustry DoveBid
Sluitingsdatum feb 26, 2016
Categorie Metaalbewerkingsmachines
ID MET0062
Status Gesloten

This is an online auction featuring a range of machine tools now surplus to the ongoing needs of a global automotive supplier. The equipment is located in Scotland, Germany and Italy.

Equipment of interest includes:

- Huller Hille (MAG) ‘NBV700 5X’ CNC Machining Centre (2010)
- DMG ‘DMC 80H’ Horizontal CNC Machining Centre (2000)
- MCM ‘CLOCK’ CNC Horizontal Machining Centres (Qty 4 – 2001)
- Brother ‘TC299’ CNC Drilling and Tapping Machine (1999)

- DMG ‘GDM65/A’ Lathe
- Swedturn ‘STS CNC300’ CNC Lathes (Qty 2)
- Daewoo ‘Lynx 200’ CNC Lathe

- Schaudt Mikrosa ‘Kronos S125’ CNC Centreless Grinder (2008)
- Schaudt Mikrosa ‘PF4L’ Grinder (2000)
- Reiecker ‘ISA103’ CNC Grinder

To view all the lots in this auction visit the GoIndustry DoveBid website. Viewing of this equipment is by appointment only.

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