Leilão on-line – Construction Equipment, Attachments and More

Leiloeiro Repocast
Data de encerramento Jan. 5, 2016
Localização USA USA
Categoria Construção e Mineração
ID CON0078
Status Fechado

Repocast are hosting an auction on January 5th which will feature a range of construction equipment, attachments and snow removal assets among other items.

This auction will contain over 150 lots, some of which are set to include:

- Backhoe Loaders
- Excavators
- Forklifts
- Skidsteers
- Trailers
- Snow Plows
- Street Sweeper
- Bucket Attachments
- And Much More

The lots in this auction are split between two locations, check the individual item description for full location details.

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