Leilão on-line – Pharmaceutical Processing and Packaging Equipment Auction from Merck

Leiloeiro EquipNet
Data de encerramento Dez. 16, 2015
Localização USA USA
Categoria Processo e Embalagem
ID MET0054
Status Fechado

EquipNet are hosting an auction of pharmaceutical processing and packaging equipment, surplus to the ongoing requirements of Merck.

This auction will feature a range of pharma processing and packaging equipment including:

- Tablet-capsule fillers
- Case packers
- Pallet Labeler
- Cappers
- Tablet deduster
- Labeler
- Rotary tables
- Feeders
- Checkweighers
- Conveyors

The lots in this auction have staggered closing times, check each individual item for precise closing information. Contact EquipNet for more information, including any inspection details.

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