Leilão on-line – Large Capacity Sputter Machine, Specialist Inventory

Leiloeiro Kumar and Company
Data de encerramento Out. 30, 2019
Localização UK UK
Categoria PCB e semicondutor / Laboratório, Medicina e Biociência
ID PCB0171
Status Fechado

Large Capacity Sputter Machine, Large Parcel of Specialist Inventory & Much More

Range of Warehouse, Machine Shop, Electrical Assembly Benches, Large Range of Office Furniture & IT Equipment and Hand Tools

- Sputter System
- Indoor Modular Buildings
- MBraun MB200B Pressure Chamber
- Mantis Nanogen with Messos Q Kit
- Medium Duty Mobile Workbenches
- Niko Jib Hoist SWL - 250kg

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