Leilão on-line – Auction of Rohde and Schwarz CMW500s

Leiloeiro EquipNet
Data de encerramento Nov. 24, 2015
Localização UK UK
Categoria Teste e Medição
Status Fechado

This auction is solely a sale of Rohde and Schwarz CMW500s, surplus to the ongoing requirements of Nvidia.

There are 17 lots in total for this auction, the details of which are:

- 15 Rohde and Schwarz CMW500 Wideband Radio Communication Tester - Single Front End
- 2 Rohde and Schwarz CMW500 Wideband Radio Communication Tester - Dual Front End

In order to inspect any of the equipment, EquipNet has requested that interested parties contact them 48 hours prior to the proposed inspection date to arrange an appointment.

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